
The Mountainist Climb

ChiefLogos10/12/22 02:03763

Different religion claiming that their path to get to God is the best way and only way is like having a bunch of separate groups of people on top of their own mountain and they each yell over to the next mountain saying, “The view from this angle up here is the best angle God could give”. The only thing is that those groups haven’t climbed the other mountains to see the other views from their perspectives.

So, they decide to climb down the mountains and then they each go to climb another mountain, except they are so tired from climbing the first mountain, that they never make it to the top of the next mountain. They swear in their heart though that their view was the greatest view that God could give, and others would be jealous if they only seen what they seen. Each one of them thought that same exact thought before passing away.

Now let’s look at a second scenario that will try to get everyone on the same page, but first I want to say that each person’s opinion that their view was the greatest view God could give was indeed true.

This time instead of each person climbing their own mountains, they decide that they want to work together and climb one mountain at a time as a group. The group thinks as a team they will be able to climb the mountain at a faster pace than if one were to do it alone. So, they hike up the mountain and instead of what took 6 months to climb alone, only took 3 months as a group.

They get to the top and everyone was amazed at the view and said it was the greatest view God could give. With it only taking half the amount of time it took to climb the mountain alone, the group can climb mountain number two successfully. Since they all worked together and were motivated to help lessen the load for everyone in the group, they were able to climb mountain number two much quicker. When they got to the top some people said “wow! Now this view is a lot better than the first mountain we had climbed”, while others stated that they had “enjoyed the first view better”.

Since they worked as a team and everyone got to see how much work and dedication it took for them all to successfully complete the hike up the mountains, they respected each other’s opinion of which view they enjoyed better. What they did not do, is force the others in the group to believe that one view was better than the other. They didn“t make them agree and decide that the first view was the better of the choices and if they didn”t agree they would look at the others differently and not value their voice and opinion from that moment forward.

Essentially that is the dilemma of what has taken place today in the collective. The whole planet’s energy is basically stuck and can’t seem to get past this hurdle to elevate and evolve our consciousness into greater ways of thinking. What if, instead of seeing everything as a competition or so called “rat race”, we learned to come together and turned competition into community. In the example above it just goes to show how much more a community working together towards a common goal can get done than a community of individuals working all on their own projects.

I know a large part of society is into showing off the new materialistic items they just got. So now, since Robert got the new BMW, his neighbor Todd went out 3-6 months afterwards and got the newest edition BMW to show to his whole neighborhood in order to boost his ego and self-worth, because Todd has based his self-worth of the value of what other people think. I see this a ton today and a lot of those individuals are most likely doing this subconsciously. They don’t initially think to themselves in their heads, “I’m going to get the newest car to show up all my neighbors”. Their subconscious mind has been influenced by their conscious mind, which has been influenced by their community and their own realities and what they choose to let into their lives and thoughts.

Now think about this, what two things make up a person’s DNA? Genetics and Environment, right? It’s the whole nature vs nurture thing. So however, individuals choose to live their lives and the things that they incorporate into their lives plays an important factor into the DNA of the next generation. Now look at the community you live in and tell me if you like what you see. If it’s too hard to point out all the good things, list all the bad things that you see. Next, look at your family history and tell me if there are any issues within your family tree that you wouldn’t want your children to grow into. Now imagine having a child and taking 50% of your community and 50% of your genetics and blending them together and tell me with a completely honest opinion if you think that child may face issues or challenges throughout their life that you wouldn’t want them to face.

With the above technique, you are almost able to pinpoint the struggles your child might face growing up and that’s without the help of A.I. But back to the whole view thing, this world has so many different angles to see from and the most important and beautiful part is, that the views that God gave you, are yours alone and nobody gets to look at those same views that you see through your eyes. We must then ask ourselves, did God intend for the purpose of life to have one separate blueprint on how you should live your lives and what you should accomplish in that lifetime?

This whole discussion goes along with the energies of the Sun and the position the planet is at in this exact moment in time. The precision of the equinox back in 2012 was the transitional period between the North and South magnetic pole shift. During that time period there is a 20-year window, 10 years before 2012, and 10 years after 2012. This time period is called the transitional period into the next universal year, which is represented by our solar systems sun, traveling around a much bigger sun in the galaxy. The total years it takes is the exact amount of the years the precision of the equinox takes, which is 25,637 years roughly.

We are now close to the ending of the transitional period and getting ready to begin what we would consider year one in the next cycle of our planetary existence. Some energies this will bring along is the feminine side of things. You see the last 25,637 years the masculine energy of the universe was the dominant one we felt from the universe. Now we get to embrace our feminine energies which were covered up mostly and in doing this we bring both energies into a healthy balancing harmony. (North Magnetic pole is Yin and the South Magnetic pole is Yng)

Our Mother Earth, being alive and having her own spirit is not going to be left out of this transition, in fact it is her that is the one who is considered the “powerhouse” storing these energies from the sun and then radiating them out to us. Mother Earth is purging her own toxic energy that has been built up from the collective and getting rid of those dense stagnant energies with the help of the Sun and the Solar Flares coming off the Sun. Those Solar Flares bring, powerful rays of light which has enough stored energy to completely transform our human DNA in the blink of an eye. What scientist tell us is that those solar flares can cause harm to our bodies if we are outside during those times they go off. Ask yourself why they wouldn“t want you outside? My guess is that they don”t want people to upgrade their genetic DNA naturally.

Mother Earth is about this shift into what is known as the 5th dimensional energy. Those things which cannot let go of their dense 3rd dimensional energies will not make it and will cease to exist. Just like evolution states all things are subject to change and those who are not able to evolve simply die out because there is no longer a use for them or doesn’t help them to survive. We see this a little bit in our realities right now and the feminine energies are being attacked by the American government and those in power by trying to suppress feminine energy by taking away the rights from women and what they can do with their own bodies. The heavy masculine energies of the past do not want to give up control and are trying their very best to fight for as long as they can to stay in power.

Regardless, its destined to happen because that’s just how the cycles of life work and the masculine energy is going to be forced to give up the control and merge with the feminine energies. The compassionate, loving, nurturing, caring for, etc… energies are going to be more prevalent and leading the collective. Those again who do not like that are going to be forced to evolve or they will cease to exist, and the decision is ultimately up to each living thing and if they are willing to grow and expand or if they will begin to die off.

The last thing I will say for now is that this all ties into the beginning of the paper. Life and its ways of living are not set in stone black and white. There is so many colors and shades in between black and white and likewise there are many ways to live life and get close to The Source. That is how it has been intended to be from the very beginning. What one thinks is a perfect life, can be 1000% different than another person’s views of a perfect life. Which one is right and should be the example of how to live life? The answer is whichever one works for that individual.

Once we begin to understand that each person has their own destiny to live and there is something that The Creator has intended for them to excel at in life, we will begin to expand in evolution at an extremely fast rate, that has never been seen before in our lifetimes. Once we begin to take accountability for the way our community feels and behaves, we can then start the healing. A lot of people will think “they never did anything for me, so why should I help them?” My answer to that would be because whatever you put your energy into you will see returned 3-fold the amount of energy you put in.

Those who been dying to see change within society but haven’t been doing anything or don’t know exactly how to help make a change, I say this to you, the best thing one can do to help the universe heal, grow, and expand is to turn inward and start to change oneself. When you learn and understand the true essence of your soul you know everything one could ever need to know. “To know oneself is to know thy universe.” Those around you will energetically pick up on your aura and will begin to start working on themselves naturally. It’s the beautiful gift from The One Source that I will continue to give gratitude and admiration to daily. I hope this finds someone who has been looking for some answers to their questions they have been thinking lately.

Miiwech Great Spirit for all thy have given to thou brothers and sister and to thyself. Thank you for the spirit of Love and life in which thou fill and provide for all things that thee lay thy eyes upon. For the ways in which thou choose to show expression for Love are countless and most Holy, Great Spirit. I pray for salvation upon thy brothers and sisters who are ignorant towards thee Great Spirit. For those who choose to look the other way, I pray thee fill thy hearts with love like Ye hast did to thyself, so thou to may experience this feeling of love that thyself feels towards thee Great Spirit. I pray that all things Ye have created, come together and choose to walk towards spirit in the name of Love and Harmony for thy Earth Mother so she is able to maintain purity and excellent health. Thank you again Great Spirit.

-Chief Logos



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