

Eleonor Zharenova02/11/22 23:051.1K🔥

Alexander Remizov is primarily an architect, and an architect must be an artist. The art of architecture is a creative image of the future structure. Therefore, the creativity of the architect is the most basic in figurative thinking.

A.Remizov. “Kuskovo” 100×110 cm.2022
A.Remizov. “Kuskovo” 100×110 cm.2022

There are canvases, and sheets of paper, and tablets, painted with acrylic, also with paints that are not very amenable to embodiment.

There are no just landscapes — this is the image of that part of the look that struck and stopped him — the author. In a rural landscape, he inspires his soul. This is most pronounced in light pencil sketches in a minute. In Moscow streets, he picks out the most characteristic parts of an alley or a bridge, which we always see and don’t see, and if you look with the eyes of an artist, they turn out to be rhythmically beautiful in fragments, everything is recognizable and “similar”.

The artist creates, as it were, series on the themes: Kuskovo, Tsaritsyno, Pyatnitsky lanes of Moscow, but individually, each composition vividly conveys the image of each theme. It cannot be said that they are picturesque, but rather more graphic. And his graphics in this painting are also architecturally built.

Alexander Remizov is a bright artist — both a painter and a graphic artist. He tries to put everything on the topics, on the shelves. But the themes and images for him appear immediately in the landscape and with the figures in it and with a still life somewhere on the window, from where the landscape is visible. That is, he simultaneously writes all the topics at once and repeats them many times in order to convey the thematic image as expressively and clearly as possible.

It seems to me that the author does not need to divide his fine art by topic. They are somehow visible in their imagery.

Figures for women are good in their perspective. And it doesn’t matter if they are in the interior or on the grass, and it doesn’t even matter what color background they are depicted on, as well as still lifes from different objects.

All landscapes, figures, still lifes and interiors are united by a common rhythm of inspired movement in the “now moment”. This is its figurativeness and distinctive feature of creativity and its specificity to catch the image instantly. You can only add that he treats the branches of the tree (apple tree) with love as well as his close and dear people. He loves the landscape, old Moscow lanes, rural houses, female figures in various movements and angles, still lifes from simple objects, and the desire for expressiveness of what is depicted sometimes squeezes their sharp form, creating a rhythmic structure from all this, like an architect.

This is his feature of creativity — Alexander Remizov is an artist in architectural projects, and he is an architect in picturesque tablets.

Eleonor Zharenova

People’s Artist,

Academician of the Academy of Arts


Eleonor Zharenova

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