
I am not a girl

Lena Gimpel29/10/24 05:20306

I don’t want to be called a girl—not even as a joke or in a "meaningless" phrase.

There’s no such thing as a meaningless phrase, language shapes the way we think. Every word counts.

I don’t want to be called a girl for a very simple reason: I am not one.

I am a woman.

There is nothing wrong with girls, they are brilliant, but they are also incapable, helpless, powerless, cute and naive, because that’s what kids are.

And that’s what society wants me to be: small, naive, helpless, powerless, obedient, incapable, not taken seriously.

They never call 30-year-old men in a workplace "boys." Men are seen as autonomous human beings capable of thinking independently, not as kids.

If they aren’t "boys," I am not a "girl." It is that simple.

My opinions and actions are not a child’s deeds.

Relax you keyboard warrior, I am not gonna correct your 85 y.o. granpa (unless he is  policymaker or runs for a goverment office).

No, I am talking about the grown men who say they "met a girl at the party." No, dude, you met a woman. Otherwise, I have a very serious question to ask you.

She is not a girl, and neither am I.

Should I also write about how it is normilized to call 17 y.o. boys — "boys", but 16 y.o. girls are often referred as chicks, females, teens, etc?

You are a girl when they want to take your power away, but you are suddenly a "chick" and not a child anymore, when they want to fuck a minor.

Stop using this belittling and pedophilic language towards women.

Chat GPT did not want to correct the typos (I guess because of the "fucking a minor" phrase. I could of course delete it for the proofreading, but I decided we’ll enjoy my typos together then).



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