

Lena Gimpel29/09/24 11:09295

To evaluate the effects of trauma response on the ability of female Homo sapiens to make phone calls, we implemented a "prolonged stress" protocol consisting of four major stages.

Subject The subject (karyotype 46, XX) was born healthy and later diagnosed with hypermobility syndrome. Suspected ASD was not identified prior to the experiment, and thus was not accounted for during the study. Stage 1 The subject was housed in a standard animal facility under group housing conditions. Until the age of 15, the subject was exposed to emotional abuse daily for at least two hours, with nighttime excluded. The abusers primarily consisted of adults aged 30–60 years, both females and males, including caregivers. This protocol has been previously demonstrated to effectively reduce self-esteem and significantly increase the likelihood of developing depression, eating disorders, and other mental health conditions (Yatskina et al.). By the end of Stage 1, the success of the protocol was confirmed by identifying moderate emotional dysregulation, moderate to severe excessive daydreaming, and mild to moderate suicidal ideation. Stage 2 At the age of 15, the subject experienced a negative mating encounter with an adult male and was subsequently transferred to a new group housing facility. This new housing met the criteria for the Naale institution. The second stage resulted in the subject developing self-hatred and the persistence of previously acquired traits. Stage 3 For three years, the subject remained in the Naale facility, with a change of housing to the previous facility during the summer months (July — August). During this time, the subject was subjected to emotional and physical abuse by peers. The emotional abuse ranged from moderate to severe, while the physical abuse was mild to moderate. As the midterm evaluation revealed insufficient levels of distress, additional emotional abuse was introduced from another adult male. Due to facility limitations, this abuse was predominantly delivered via internet platforms (Facebook and Skype). To address the lack of a physical threat of sexual assault, several harassment sessions involving adult males were incorporated into the protocol. Stage 4 In the final stage, the subject was exposed to abusing family members from the Stage 1, sexual assault, grief, and the loss of housing (in that order). The success of the protocol was confirmed by the subject’s subsequent suicide attempt. By the age of 23, the subject displayed clear personality changes and was deemed suitable for long-term evaluation of stress-related dysfunction of brain regions needed for engaging in telephone conversations.



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