
The Lifehack

Lena Gimpel22/10/24 14:04318

When a nail pokes out of the IKEA shelf, When the words don’t assemble into the perfect sentence, When the wrinkles on my forehead become visible despite all the retinol I use, I tell myself: Rega, rega רגע, блять! What if I were a man? From now on, every time I hate my creation or flesh, I imagine myself as a doppelganger with a magic stick. No, I didn’t explain it quite right — I don’t imagine myself as a doppelganger, but imagine how people would see me if I were one.

The next step is to perceive myself from within, but I don’t have a lifehack for that yet. Stay tuned—I’ll share it the day I discover it! ❗️Important: – do not skip the "rega" part, otherwise the lifehack might not work! – contraindications for use: none – side effects: desire to burn magic sticks in the greatest fire known to womenkind.

Лена Гимпель



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