
Модная на Западе и верная традициям - Монир Шахруди Фарман-Фармаян - икона иранского стиля в современном искусстве Востока

Lyoubov Touinova31/01/18 22:521.6K🔥
منير شاهرودي فرمان فرمایان
منير شاهرودي فرمان فرمایان
is an Iranian artist who lives in Tehran, and a collector of traditional folk art
is an Iranian artist who lives in Tehran, and a collector of traditional folk art
The converted power plant is massive, imposing, and iconic. March 24, 2005 Lunch and Art at Tate Modern
The converted power plant is massive, imposing, and iconic. March 24, 2005 Lunch and Art at Tate Modern
Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian. Photo: Courtesy of the artist and The Third Line,Dubai/via Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.Lucas Samaras, “Portrait of Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian”, July 13, 1978.0
Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian. Photo: Courtesy of the artist and The Third Line,Dubai/via Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.Lucas Samaras, “Portrait of Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian”, July 13, 1978.0
Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian in her studio working on Heptagon Star, Tehran, 1975. Courtesy of the artist and The Third Line, Dubai
Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian in her studio working on Heptagon Star, Tehran, 1975. Courtesy of the artist and The Third Line, Dubai
“Relief Heptagon” (1977), mirror, reverse glass… Cosmic Geometry ARTBOOK…Triangle and Square, 2008, mirror, reverse-glass painting, and plaster on wood, 39 ⅖ in. x 63 in.
“Relief Heptagon” (1977), mirror, reverse glass… Cosmic Geometry ARTBOOK…Triangle and Square, 2008, mirror, reverse-glass painting, and plaster on wood, 39 ⅖ in. x 63 in.
7.87×7.87×7.87 in (19.99×19.99×19.99 cm)
7.87×7.87×7.87 in (19.99×19.99×19.99 cm)



Rmi Lam

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