
Poetry and Photography online archive. Introductory statement

sophulate 14/06/22 23:311.8K🔥

Текст на русском по ссылке

A couple of months ago, after hearing some of the requests to transfer my Russian and English poetry to a digital format and have it posted somewhere for everyone to have access, I decided to have it all archived on Today, I finally found the right moment to start that exciting transition to the media platform that gained a lot of appreciation for all of the work it has been publishing for the past years while widening the borders of culture, politics, and art for people in Russia and outside. Mainly, I want to emphasize the significance of the recent actions of the multilingual community of journalists, writers, and other creative individuals. While providing trustworthy educational information, symbolized one of the only hopes for change in Ukraine’s new reality of war that many of us have been facing in the past couple of months.

Steklo & Stuk (published in August 2021)
Steklo & Stuk (published in August 2021)

There is a need for the transition of my work because, previously, there were only two places where it could have been accessed. Initially, Instagram was the place where some of my earlier poems were posted. However, with time I completely lost any interest in posting it in the unhealthy environment of social media that has been bringing me plenty of negative feelings in the past couple of years. The only other place where some of my poetry can be found is Steklo & Stuk. The collaborative zine of poetry and photography I published with a good friend of mine — Roma Dolgopoly — almost a year ago is a debut publication that has in itself the collection of my works from 2021. The problem with the zine is that my current dislocation from Russia disables me from having control over the publication’s distribution. Also, I would assume that the number of copies printed was quite limited, making it hard for some people to purchase it.

The format of combinational photography and poetry in Steklo & Stuk.
The format of combinational photography and poetry in Steklo & Stuk.

My plan for right now is to publish my past poetry/photography works on following the format introduced in Steklo & Stuk. The amount of work in literary and visual arts that I have been doing for the past half a year is nowhere close to the one accomplished the last year due to my current concentration on the interdisciplinary art-tech project — Akward. However, there are still some new materials that have been unpublished for some time already.

I am going to publish new and previous works weekly from now on. With further exploration of the platform and reflection on the outcomes of my decision, I see great potential in posting different kinds of materials here in the future.



Building solidarity beyond borders. Everybody can contribute is a community-run multilingual media platform and translocal archive.
Since 2014, researchers, artists, collectives, and cultural institutions have been publishing their work here
