
Turquoise #2 | Elena Lipatova: meta-expressionist study of pop culture

turquoise ether magazine06/05/22 07:36680

the turquoise ether magazine’s mission is to publish independent critical reviews of promising artists from over The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

Turquoise #2 — Elena Lipatova (Russia)

Author ✍️ Sveta Golubeva, art critic

Elena Lipatova ©
Elena Lipatova ©

Elena Lipatova is a contemporary Russian artist. She convincingly and professionally works with different mediums: metal, ceramics, canvas, art objects.

Elena Lipatova ©
Elena Lipatova ©

Elena’s complex interdisciplinary artistic voice can be described in the following terms: saturated, bright, vital, rough, exciting, defiant, reflective, deliberately artisanal.

Elena Lipatova ©
Elena Lipatova ©

The artist uses unexpected cultural references: African art, fauvist and neo-expressionist techniques. Elena’s high technical level allows her to skillfully and seamlessly use borrowing in her art work.

Elena Lipatova ©
Elena Lipatova ©

Elena’s art works do not look rough and kitsch due to the use of text frames and elements of the fashion industry.

Elena Lipatova ©
Elena Lipatova ©

The artist explores the territories of kitsch but enriches it with non-kitsch content and expands the scope of interpretation of visual expressiveness. Elena Lipatova“s conceptualist approach creates a spectator environment free from the artist”s violence and is based on three humanistic principles: conceptuality, relevance, accessibility.

Elena Lipatova ©
Elena Lipatova ©


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