Music and Sound

Turquoise #7 | Kath Moskvina: rock music as an endless experiment

turquoise ether magazine15/05/22 16:011.1K🔥

the turquoise ether magazine’s mission is to publish independent critical reviews of promising artists from over The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

Turquoise #7 — Kath Moskvina (Russia)

Kath is a professional musician (guitarist, singer, DJ) from Russia. She successfully mixes musical styles with each other and skillfully reveals the cover of the song from a new angle.

Her musical style can be described as energetic, uplifting, polystylistic, fresh, and unpredictable. Her covers of contemporary rock songs are of particular interest. A cover song is a space of freedom, responsibility, and creative expression. Kath expands the stylistic boundaries of the concept of a musical cover. The use of virtuoso techniques, a rethinking of arrangements and musical genres allow Kath to stand out among hundreds of thousands of musicians from all over the world.

Kath is developing as an independent musician, where she takes part in international music festivals, participates in sound art exhibitions, and teaches guitar master classes.

Kath uses her international music projects as a social statement. She creates flows of creative communication between countries and cultures in spite of the worldwide processes of cultural isolation and xenophobia. This testifies to her social responsibility, social mission.


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