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Tag: trauma
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Б🩸Я ❗️Б⭕️Л📌,Н🚫
Татьяна Красильникова
Как научиться гов🤐рить снова, если твой язык с🪚здили, а рот зашили❓ (поэма о том, как я охуела от боли и выжила)
Cinema and Video
Encapsulating internal agony: Trauma in modern experimental horror movies
Valentine G.
Defining a subgenre in modern horror movies that explores traumatic experiences and provokes catharsis of the audience — how do they work structurally and why do we enjoy A24 so much?
Sign Of The Times
Sign of the Times # 2. The Trajectory of the Family Past
Виктор Белозёров
Interview with Aisuke Kondo. The Fate of Generations
Sign Of The Times
Sign of the Times # 1. History and disposal container
Виктор Белозёров
Interview with Japanese artist Yoshinori Niwa. The Weight of History
Psychology and Psychoanalysis
Magic Pills: Evil or a New Era of Psychotherapy and Neurobiology?
Denis Turunov
A paper examining the potential use of MDMA and LSD in psychoanalysis