Вера Стромчинская

Вера Стромчинская

AtlasAtlas maps out complex systems of power, translocal entanglements, and tacit networks of solidarity
Architecture and CitiesExamining how our surrounding spaces work and impact us
Theater and DancePerforming arts and the movement of bodies on stage and beyond
Psychology and PsychoanalysisDesire, speech, and everything in-between
Cinema and VideoPast, present, and future of the visual medium
BooksExcerpts and fragments from significant works contributed by publishers and writers
ArtReflections on the creative process, its tasks and ambiguities
Лучшее про музыкуИнтервью с экспериментальными музыкантами, переводы, современная академическая музыка и теория звучащего — лучшие материалы про музыку и звук на
Music and SoundFoundations of sonic expression and explorations of its frontier territories