Ilia Vlasov

Ilia Vlasov

[Транслит]Самоорганизованный литературно-критический альманах, издающийся с 2005 г. в Санкт-Петербурге. Публикуя стихи, критику, теорию и графику, редсовет альманаха стремится тематизировать различные поля противостояния в современном литературном процессе.
Журнал «Опустошитель»Культурологический журнал, существующий с мая 2010 года.
Technology and ScienceThe opportunities and threats of the times in which we live
Architecture and CitiesExamining how our surrounding spaces work and impact us
Theater and DancePerforming arts and the movement of bodies on stage and beyond
PoetryAll the abundance and complexity of language
Society and PoliticsHow are our relations organized, who rules us, and what happens next
Philosophy and HumanitiesIn-depth reflections on fundamental problems
ArtReflections on the creative process, its tasks and ambiguities
BooksExcerpts and fragments from significant works contributed by publishers and writers
Music and SoundFoundations of sonic expression and explorations of its frontier territories
Psychology and PsychoanalysisDesire, speech, and everything in-between
Cinema and VideoPast, present, and future of the visual medium